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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer operations start next week. Place your order now!

Great news! Summer operations for Organic Campus start next Tuesday, July 15th, 4-6:00pm. Look for our white tent in front of the Shatner Building.

For the first week of operations, we will accept email (organiccampus[at] orders until Friday at 5pm. We will work on an Honor system for the first week, that is you do not need to pre-pay your basket as usual but if you place an email order, you absolutely need to come and pick up your basket because our farmer will have harvested the food for you and it cannot be planted back!

For the remainder of the summer, we will proceed with the regular weekly ordering procedure. That is, you come in person, every week and place your order and pay for your basket of the following week.

There are two sizes of baskets available:

Small at $15 (for 1-2 persons)
Large at $25 (for 3-4 persons, considerably larger than the $15 basket)

And we still need volunteers! Contact us if you are available on Tuesdays between 3-7pm and want to help out with ordering and distribution!