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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello fellow OCers!

I hope your fall is going well and you are warming up to the cool weather! Here are a couple updates for what's going on with Organic Campus:

-Trip to the farm! This Sunday, October 18th, the OC is going to Berhanu and Worke's farm in Glenn Roberts, Ontario! Join us, and see where all your delicious organic produce comes from, as well as help out on the farm! There is squash to be picked, potatoes to be harvested, and Berhanu also wants to show people how to use the tractor so some plowing can be done. RSVP by this Friday, as we need to arrange for transportation. If anyone has a car we can use, please let us know! Email with "Sunday farm trip" in the subject line to RSVP.

-Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Distribution: Just a reminder, the OC has expanded operations to Mondays and Wednesdays. Until the end of October we will be in Three Bares Park with the Farmer's Market from 11-5. Mondays and Wednesdays you can find us outside of the SSMU building in nice weather, or in the Organic Corner on the second floor from 12-5 if it's not-so-nice outside . After October we will be there on Tuesdays as well!

Yellow Door Vegan Fridays: Every Friday from 12:30-3:00 you can get hefty portions of delicious food for only $2 at the Yellow Door on Alymer north of Prince Arthur.

Canning Workshop October 17th: Campus Crops is hosting a canning workshop in the Midnight Kitchen. Registration required, email for more information.

100-Mile Diet Participants Needed! Greening McGill is looking for students to participate in the 100-Mile Diet Challenge, from October 15-November 15. We’re challenging participants to eat only food grown and produced within 100 miles of Montreal. If you’re interested in finding out where your food comes from, learning about issues surrounding food production, and having a great (ie. delicious) time with other participants at food-related events throughout the month, email or check out the facebook group.

Lookout for a film screening in November with tasty organic goods!

Enjoy all the fall colors!
Organically yours,
Organic Campus