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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Welcome Back to a new term!

Hello food lovers new and old, and welcome back to the OC community!

A friendly update from Organic Campus, McGill's student-run organic food distributor. This past summer we have been operating on campus with tasty greens and huge success. We hope that everyone is enjoying the last of the summer weather, but no worries, as usual OC will not disappear. Just as the colours on the trees will change, so will OC - but always around.

Thanks to all the people who took interest in OC at Activities night. For now, we are continuing to operate in collaboration with the Farmer's Market this fall. Every Tuesday, we will be located in Three Bares Park (in front of Arts Building), with other local farmers, from 11-5 (September-October). As usual, we have a selection of vegetables, some fruit, baked goods and other Ethiopian treats. Come check us out!

Not finished yet - this year it seems OC will have a special edition...wait for it! --> we are going to go ahead and do extra distributions on Mondays and Wednesdays - you can come by and get organic lunch food, sweetbreads, and produce in front of Shatner. Our volunteers will be happy to serve you between 11-5 (these hours may be subject to change as we finalise plans).

We look forward to seeing your friendly faces soon. As always, happy to serve your hunger needs.

Organically yours,
Organic Campus